Ministries | Children
"From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 3:15)
Nursery Care
We provide safe and nurturing care, complete with a parent pager system, for infants and toddlers who are 23 months and younger. This ministry serves families during Sunday worship and Bible study and also during Wednesday prayer.
children's church
During the Sunday morning worship service, children 2 yrs. - 6th grade dismiss prior to the sermon to participate in their very own children's church. They sing songs and learn about God through engaging Bible lessons, visuals, crafts, and activities, providing them with truth about God and the gospel at an early age in a way they can understand.
"It's Grow Time" is a three-year, through-the-Bible program focused on spiritual growth and understanding the Bible timeline from beginning to end, explaining the history of redemption. The schedule follows a three-part cycle: opening assembly, classroom time, and closing assembly.
Opening Assembly
The first 10-20 minutes feature a time of prayer and praise. We encourage the children to share prayer requests as they hear answers to prayer from their peers. We also sing memorable and engaging children's songs that reinforce the truths they're learning. They also receive a practical study time that covers a variety of biblical topics.
Classroom Time
Children break out into age-graded classes: 2-3 year olds, 4-5 year olds, 1st-3rd grade, and 4th-6th grade. Students learn from hands-on object lessons, memory verses, and an engaging Bible lesson. Classtime ends with application and review that features crafts or games that reinforce the weekly theme.
Closing Assembly
In the final 10-20 minutes, children learn the books of the Bible through a fun competition. Your child's interest in the Bible increase greatly as he or she becomes more familiar with its content.
Frontline Clubs
FrontLine Clubs is our Bible study program for children age 3 through 6th grade. This program helps churches and parents train children to love and live the Bible by teaching basic biblical doctrine starting with the attributes of God.
Each week, all children study age-appropriate materials focused on the same theme. FrontLine meets throughout the school year during our weekly Sunday afternoon Bible study session. We provide a similar program, Kids for Truth, during the summer months. Frontline Clubs feature several core elements:
Bible Lessons and Activities
Children meet in age-graded classes where they participate in journal time, a Bible lesson, games, and crafts. Each activity is designed to teach and reinforce the weekly theme.
FrontLine Journal
Children take home a FrontLine journal that guides them through short, interactive Bible lessons during the week in which they complete daily pages and memorize a Scripture passage. Parents track their progress and children review these pages with leaders during club time, earning rewards for being faithful.
Bible Memory
An important part of FrontLine Clubs is Bible memory. All age groups memorize from the same passage. Young children memorize a phrase or short verse, while older students commit longer and additional verses to memory.
Children's Choir
FrontLine children participate in a special choir that gives them the opportunity to discover the joy of praising God and learning Bible truth through song. Weekly rehearsals provide musical training and prepare children to present their music in a Sunday worship service.
Vacation Bible School
Each year, for one week in July, our church hosts a free, five-day program designed to teach the gospel to children in a way they can understand. This exciting ministry serves both the children of our church and the children of our community. It occurs in the morning, Monday through Friday from 10:00am - 12:30pm and features games, crafts, snacks, contests, drama, and prizes.
► For more information about our Children's Ministries, click here to contact us.
How we protect your Children at our church
The safety of your children is our top priority at Faith Baptist Church. We provide all children's and teen ministry workers with regular training and require them to undergo background screening through Protect My Ministry, an organization dedicated to helping ministries provide a safe environment for children.